Jornalistas Livres

Tag: Brazil

  • Até quando estes bandidos vão desgovernar o BraZil?

    Até quando estes bandidos vão desgovernar o BraZil?

    Por Ricardo Melo*

    Junto ao embaixador dos EUA, Bolsonaro e alguns de seus comparsas festejam o 4 de julho, a data da independência… americana!

    Todos sem máscaras, sorridentes, como se estivéssemos no melhor dos mundos. Lembra aquelas fotos de Pablo Escobar e asseclas comemorando mais uma venda gigante do narcotráfico.

    É muita provocação. EUA e BraZil hoje encabeçam o ranking de desgraças provocadas pela pandemia. Donald Trump despenca nas pesquisas para as eleições americanas. Sob sua orientação, os Estados que resolveram lançar seus cidadãos ao abate experimentam um salto geométrico nos infectados e mortes. Basta consultar o New York Times. A Flórida, por exemplo, virou o oásis da covid-19.

    Aqui no BraZil, os números também não deixam mentir. Os casos aumentam nas cidades e invadem o interior. O mais lamentável é ver e ouvir supostas autoridades dizer que atingimos o tal do “plateau”: mais de 1.200 mortes por dia! Gente morrendo como moscas em lâmpadas de açougue. “E daí”?

    As fotos dando conta da orgia em bares do Leblon no Rio deveriam envergonhar qualquer ser humano digno desse nome. Mas não. Neofascistas, patricinhas, mauricinhos e desmiolados em geral festejavam a liberdade de disseminar o coronavírus. Eles podem. Têm a bufunfa subtraída da maioria pobre para recorrer a um Copa d’Or da vida e outros hospitais de elite, caso algo dê errado. Já o povo padece em filas do SUS sem respiradores, quando não morre em casa e nas filas de atendimento.

    Outros tantos arriscam a vida em motocicletas e bicicletas sem nenhuma proteção para ganhar uma ninharia entregando comida para os “bacanas”. E as pretensas autoridades ainda têm dúvidas sobre como legislar para interromper essa exploração criminosa da força de trabalho. “Ora, são empreendedores”, dizem os acadêmicos a serviço do genocídio oficial. Como alguém pode ouvir e ler isto e ficar calado?

    O BraZil está às vésperas de uma explosão social. As manifestações dos entregadores são apenas um sinal. Aos poucos, os desvalidos percebem que enfrentar o vírus nas ruas é a única saída para derrubar a gangue de bandoleiros que assaltou as instâncias de poder oficial. Assim como fizeram os milhões de americanos que arriscaram a vida e enfrentaram os perigos sanitários para combater os supremacistas de Trump.

    Por aqui, Bolsonaro continua o mesmo. Sua pele de cordeiro é tão frágil quanto sua trajetória e seu caráter. Basta ver os vetos que decidiu sobre o uso de máscaras. Governadores e prefeitos, com raras exceções, estão mais interessados em fundos eleitorais do que nas milhares de vidas perdidas. A maioria deles não têm plano ou estratégia que não seja as próximas eleições. Cadê os recursos para os microempresários, para os informais, para quem não tem dinheiro sequer para o café da manhã?

    O momento é difícil. Mas o povo, como sempre, saberá vencer esta avalanche de crueldades. Quem viver, verá.


    *Ricardo Melo, jornalista, foi editor-executivo do Diário de S. Paulo, chefe de redação do Jornal da Tarde (quando ganhou o Prêmio Esso de criação gráfica) e editor da revista Brasil Investe do jornal Valor Econômico, além de repórter especial da Revista Exame e colunista do jornal Folha de S. Paulo. Na televisão, trabalhou como chefe de redação do SBT e como diretor-executivo do Jornal da Band (Rede Bandeirantes) e editor-chefe do Jornal da Globo (Rede Globo). Presidiu a EBC por indicação da presidenta Dilma Rousseff.

    Leia mais Ricardo Melo em:


    Bolsonaro em pele de cordeiro. Quem acredita nisso, acredita em tudo



  • Brazilian Secretary of Culture Quotes Goebbels in Official Statement

    Brazilian Secretary of Culture Quotes Goebbels in Official Statement

    The Special Secretariat of Culture of Brazil has just released a video in which the Secretary of Culture Roberto Alvim announced a funding program for the arts. In a well centred frame and with a piece from Richard Wagner’s Lohengrin on the background – the same used in Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator -, a well groomed and brilliantine haired Roberto Alvim, with a picture of president Bolsonaro above him, a Cross of Lorraine on his left and the brazilian flag on his right, describes the Bolsonaro’s government guidelines for the arts: patriotic, linked to family values, connected to god and virtues of faith.

    A few minutes into his speech, he delivers a pearl: an almost identical quote from the infamous Nazi Germany Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels:

    “The Brazilian art of the next decade will be heroic and it will be national, it’ll be endowed with great capacity for emotional involvement and deeply committed to the urgent aspirations of our people, or it will be nothing.”

    The Goebbels quote, probably taken from his biography by Peter Longerich, which was published in Brazil in 2014, reads as follows:

    “The German art of the next decade will be heroic, it will be steely-romantic, it will be factual and completely free of sentimentality, it will be national with great Pathos and committed, or it will be nothing.”

    The resemblance is too clear to be an accident, or even a mere inspiration. It’s an explicit reference. What Mr. Roberto Alvim means by it, if it’s a tip on the path Brazilian government wants our culture to follow, or just a provocation meant to unsettle the left, it’s unclear. It is, though, undoubtedly, very unsettling.

    Watch the full video here:

    UPDATE: In his facebook account, Secretary Roberto Alvim has denied to have quoted Goebbels, stating it was a “rhetorical coincidence” and that, nevertheless, the sentence is perfect and there’s no problem with it, as it describes precisely what the government wants for Brazilian culture.

    UPDATE II: After a huge reaction from society, press and even the congress, Roberto Alvim was already removed from his position as head of the Special Secretariat of Culture.



    Editorial Free Journalists

    Army captain Jair Bolsonaro is a political adversary, but he is much more (or less) than that. If elected, he has already promised to machine-gun the Rocinha favela and the PTs (whom he calls “petralhas”). Bolsonaro has treated women as result of “weaknesses.” And referred to black people as “reproducers”, to be weighted in arrobas (like animals).

    Bolsonaro honours torturers, such as Brilliante Ustra. He has already said that he would have killed 30,000 opponents of the 1964 dictatorship regime, including Fernando Henrique Cardoso (former Brazil’s president).

    Bolsonaro is fascism. He is Nazism itself, taking advantage of an abyssal economic and political crisis to gain power through the vote.

    Let us never forget that Adolf Hitler was elected chancellor by the democratic vote of the German people. His first act – and of his gang of thugs – was to set fire to the Germanic Parliament, the Reichstag. He blamed the communists for this, triggering furious repression against all those he despised: Jews, blacks, gypsies, gays, physically and mentally handicapped, feminists, and, of course, the left-wing parties.

    The democratic forces cannot afford to play tug of war at this very moment. The enemy is too much threatening for that.

    Right now, it is important to remember the phenomenon observed today in Brazilian Northeast region, where more than half of voters vote for Lula and now for his candidate. Fernando Haddad intends to keep the social programs that guarantee the worker’s child at the University, the chance for the poor to visit their hometown and relatives on a plane trip, to have refrigerator and TV indoors, after the “Light for All” program.

    In addition to being the first in the fight against fascism in electoral polls, Haddad is now representing the spectacular legacy of inclusion begun by Lula, and the PT, which resists as a popular and electoral force.

    Bolsonaro binds both summits of the Brazilian Army and the Armed Forces together, including the Military Police. He gathers together economic power, the coup’s judiciary, the oligopolistic media. All against PT. Just like before, at the time of Hitler, when all forces were against communism.

    It’s no longer about Lula against Bolsonaro. Enough of this stupid polarization, so tasteful to the mainstream media, that predicted days of glory for the post-impeachment of Dilma Rousseff!

    The result is clear – Brazil is back to the maps of misery, with record numbers of unemployment and despair.

    Enough of playing “paneleiros” against petistas. What is at stake now is the life or death of millions of people economically disadvantaged, humiliated by the coup, who have returned to cooking with wood stoves or alcohol.

    Now it is a question of defending the idea of a plural society against the united orders of military barracks.

    We know that Brazil accumulates centuries of murderous oppression over black and indigenous people. We know the burden that machismo placed on the shoulders of women, treated as mere sexual objects for all sadisms and twisted fetiches, or as mere reproducers. We know of the loads of pain that gays, lesbians and transvestites bear, when expelled from home and from their families, thrown into abject marginality simply because of proclaiming their right to that love that dares to say its name.

    We cannot risk seeing a moral monster like Bolsonaro, who proclaims murder, persecution and torture as methods of improving Brazil, rule the country.

    It scares us to see Christians longing for Bolsonaro victory. When did Jesus Christ ever stand for torture, persecution, and murder?

    Please answer, bishop Edir Macedo!

    No! Christ never preached torture. On the contrary, he was tortured and murdered for the crime of defending the poor against the Imperial Rome system.

    Today, whoever is silent consents! That is why Free Journalists feel themselves compelled to say and declare very loudly that a serious risk is placed upon the future of Brazil. And that risk is Bolsonaro. The meaning of choosing him would be that we, as people, would turn ourselves into partners to the worst crimes.

    The German people are penitent until today due to the concentration camps and crematory ovens in which millions of human beings have been sent to die. It is not possible that the Brazilian people, marked by suffering, mean to agree with such a hideous vote decision.

    Bolsonaro does not hide who he is; never did. And all the powerful in Brazil already nest under the shady wings of this bird of prey. It is astonishing that the Democrats do not realize the immense historical responsibility that is placed upon each of them.

    We are four days away from the presidential elections. A gesture by Guilherme Boulos, Ciro Gomes, Marina Silva, and other competitors, stating support for what could stop the victory of fascism, the death of the poorest and the presidency of a man that a country like Brazil does not deserve, a gesture to support Fernando Haddad, would have enormous psychological effect at this moment in which Bolsonaro surfs the waves of a possible victory in the first round.

    Marina, as a black woman, would automatically be defending her own people, a sentence so often repeated by her. Ciro, a very clever man, would have the opportunity to fight alongside what seems to have marked his political history: the protection of the North-eastern people. Boulos then would have the chance to bring up, once and for all, his spirit of compassion for the poorest, and the daily struggles of the most suffering workers.

    Bolsonaro did not face debates, he is not in the streets to debate with the contradictory. So far, he has been hiding inside hospitals, by means of a life-threatening attack for all effects very badly explained. And it did a disservice to people who did not have the chance to hear him directly, declaring his animosity towards the suffering of the poorest.

    The (in) justice of Judge Sérgio Moro released to the buzzards of the corporate press the “rewarded accusation” of Antonio Palocci, a former PT who has been jailed for a year and has since offered to help destroy PT and Lula.


    Not even the Federal Public Ministry embarked on Palocci’s infamous accusations. Because they lack a single element of proof! So, it is clear the release of Palocci’s delation by Sérgio Moro obeyed only the purpose of “smashing” the PT, to pave the way for any anti-PT candidate.

    Fernando Haddad has been campaigning for 15 days. Well less than Ciro Gomes, Guilherme Boulos and Marina Silva, who have already been able to show their gifts and proposals. If instead of Haddad it had been Ciro Gomes the anti-Bolsonaro leader, we would be calling vote for him. If it would have been Boulos, ditto. For Marina, the same. We would make the defense of any democratic candidate who would have the chance to fight and win the elections against Bolsonaro.

    But it is Fernando Haddad that emerges as the first of the opponents of Jair Bolsonaro. We, Free Journalists, won’t let go of our historical responsibility.

    It is necessary to defeat the “coiso” (“the thing”). We must shout out loud “#EleNão” (“NotHim”).

    It is necessary to halt the aggravation of the genocide of the blacks, the poor and the favelas’ people … The worsening rates of feminicide and rape.

    It is necessary to talk to those who are on our side, to those who want to turn Sunday, October 7, a day for useful vote and say that we need to be alive for the next round. We need to be together and strong against everything Bolsonaro represents.

    Because of all this, it is Fernando Haddad for now. The rest is division between us, that the right-wing political parties love so much!

    After defeating the torturer, the Nazi, the Brilhante Ustra, the anti-woman, anti-gay Bolsonaro, we will be together again to charge for anti-racist and inclusive guideline policies, from a winning Fernando Haddad!

    Fernando Haddad and Manuela! Gorgeous and awesome! So, Brasil can Be Happy Again!

    And Free Lula!

  • Artistas e manifestantes fazem roda da democracia em Brasília

    Artistas e manifestantes fazem roda da democracia em Brasília

    Artistas e manifestantes realizaram há poucos momentos, em Brasília, intervenção em favor da democracia e contra o golpe no gramado do Congresso Nacional.

    A intervenção culminou em uma grande roda da democracia que circundou todo o gramado do Congresso Nacional. A ciranda contou com aproximadamente 500 pessoas de mãos dadas para fechar a roda.

    Para amanhã, os manifestantes planejam uma lavagem no Supremo Tribunal Federal, às 17h30.

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